Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You are bringing who home from where?"
Please pray for Raleigh as he makes the transition from being THE one to one of two. I woke up around 5:00 am this morning; I don't wake up that early this time of year. Can't sleep. Why??? It is here, lets run down the check list: her room is pink (Angie says it is lavender), the suitcases are packed (mostly), Raleigh's sitters are organized and briefed, Dave has made a solemn vow to not be... well Dave, if airplanes that should be in the air sit on the ground and he has to wait, and God has been thanked and asked to help the Blackwells move into this new stage in their adventure. Last night as Angie and I where snuggled in bed she said, "this time next Monday we will have a little girl sleeping with us-" Great thought to go to sleep with, but maybe also the reason I woke up so early...

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy for you all! Bailey is also looking forward to sleeping with her momma and daddy in the next few hours! Prayers for a safe trip to China and home to Alabama. GISG. Love that you all have a blog to keep up with the comings and goings of the Blackwell Family.

    ~Prayers always,

    The Wilsons
